7 Best Network Audit & Assessment Tools

on December 12, 2023

Network auditing and assessment tools help organizations ensure that their network infrastructure runs efficiently and securely and complies with industry standards. In this post, we’ll cover the importance of network audits and assessments, the basic steps involved in auditing, the benefits of using network audit tools, and provide guidance on the seven best network audit and assessment tools available in the market. If you’re just looking to get started with one of them, consider SolarWinds® Network Configuration Manager (free trial available) or skip to the list.

What Is a Network Audit and Network Assessment? Why Are They Important?

Benefits of Network Auditing and Assessments

Basic Network Auditing Steps

How to Compare Different Network Audit Software

Top 7 Network Audit and Assessment Tools

1. SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) – Free Trial

2. Netwrix Auditor

3. NetBrain

4. Nmap

5. Intruder

6. Cisco Network Assurance Engine (NAE)

7. Paessler PRTG Network Monitor


What Is a Network Audit and Network Assessment? Why Are They Important?

A network audit systematically examines an organization’s network infrastructure to evaluate its performance, security, and compliance with best practices and regulatory requirements. Network audits help identify potential issues, such as misconfigurations, outdated software, or unauthorized access, that could negatively impact the network’s performance or expose it to security threats.

A network assessment, on the other hand, is a broader evaluation of the network’s overall health and efficiency. It encompasses various aspects, including network architecture, device configurations, performance metrics, and security policies. Network assessments help organizations understand their current network state and identify areas for improvement or optimization.

Benefits of Network Auditing and Assessments

Both network audits and assessments are crucial for maintaining a robust and secure network infrastructure. They provide several key benefits:

  1. Improved network performance: Regular audits and assessments help organizations identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, ensuring optimal network efficiency and minimizing downtime.
  2. Enhanced security: By uncovering vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other security risks, network audits and assessments enable organizations to take proactive steps to protect their networks from potential threats.
  3. Compliance assurance: Network audits help organizations maintain compliance with industry-specific regulations and standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, by identifying and addressing noncompliant configurations or practices.
  4. Resource optimization: Network assessments provide insights into network resource utilization, enabling organizations to optimize their infrastructure and allocate resources more effectively.
  5. Cost savings: By identifying areas for improvement and proactively addressing issues, network audits, and assessments can lead to reduced operational costs, lower support expenses, and minimize the risk of costly security incidents.

Basic Network Auditing Steps

Understanding the basic steps involved in network auditing is crucial as it provides a structured framework for maintaining the efficiency, security, and compliance of your network. While the specific steps may vary depending on the scope of the audit and the specific tool being used, the following steps generally form the basis of most network audits:

  1. Inventory: Begin by collecting detailed information about all network devices, their connections, and configurations. This baseline information is crucial for understanding your network’s current state and identifying areas for improvement.
  2. Performance analysis: Evaluate the performance of the network devices and connections to identify bottlenecks and areas for optimization. This step helps ensure the efficiency and reliability of the network.
  3. Security assessment: Review the network’s security policies, access controls, and potential vulnerabilities. This helps identify and mitigate security threats, thereby enhancing the network’s security posture.
  4. Compliance review: Ensure the network’s adherence to industry-specific regulations and best practices. Compliance reviews help in avoiding potential legal and regulatory penalties.
  5. Documentation: Create detailed records of the network’s architecture, configurations, and the results of the audit. This provides a reference for future audits and can be crucial for troubleshooting and regulatory compliance.
  6. Recommendations: Based on the findings of the audit, identify potential improvements and optimizations to enhance the network’s performance, security, and compliance.

These steps typically follow a logical sequence, starting from inventory collection and ending with recommendation formulation. However, it’s important to note that these steps might overlap or be repeated, depending on the dynamic nature of your network and the specific requirements of your audit.

How to Compare Different Network Audit Software

As you assess various network audit and assessment solutions, it’s important to take into account the following key criteria:

  • Features and functionality: Ensure the tool covers all aspects of network auditing and assessment relevant to your organization.
  • Ease of use: Choose a network auditing tool with an intuitive interface and clear workflows, enabling easy adoption and usage.
  • Scalability: Opt for a solution that can grow with your organization, supporting an increasing number of devices and users.
  • Customization and integrations: Assess the tool’s ability to integrate with existing systems and allow for customization to meet unique requirements.
  • Price and value: Consider the tool’s pricing structure and the value it offers in terms of features, support, and long-term benefits.
  • Support and community: It is important to select a network audit and assessment software that has an established support system together with an active user community. This will ensure easy access to help and resources when needed.
  • Learning curve and resources: Evaluate the tool’s learning curve and the availability of training materials, documentation, and other resources to help your team get up to speed quickly.

Top 7 Network Audit and Assessment Tools

1. SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager (NCM) – Free Trial

©2023 SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.

SolarWinds NCM is a powerful tool that automates network configuration and compliance management tasks. It helps detect and resolve configuration issues, monitor network devices, and ensure compliance with industry standards. NCM is widely used for its user-friendly interface and robust feature set.


  • Comprehensive configuration management and auditing capabilities
  • Built-in support for numerous network devices
  • Predefined compliance templates for industry standards

Main Use Cases

  • Configuration and change management
  • Compliance monitoring and reporting
  • Network device inventory and backups

Learn More                                                                             Download Free Trial

2. Netwrix Auditor

© 2023 Netwrix Corporation

Netwrix Auditor is a visibility and governance platform that offers network configuration auditing as one of its key features. It helps organizations ensure network availability, maintain compliance, and optimize performance through configuration management and auditing capabilities.


  • Centralized visibility and control over network configurations
  • Predefined audit reports for compliance and change management
  • Integration with a wide range of network devices and platforms

Main Use Cases

  • Network configuration auditing and change management
  • Compliance reporting and monitoring
  • Real-time alerts for configuration changes and potential issues

3. NetBrain

© 2023 NetBrain

NetBrain is a network automation platform that provides a visual and dynamic approach to network management. It offers a variety of tools for mapping, diagnosing, and automating network tasks, making it an excellent choice for organizations looking to streamline their network operations.


  • Dynamic network mapping and visualization
  • Powerful network diagnostics and troubleshooting capabilities
  • Vendor-agnostic platform with extensive device support

Main Use Cases

  • Network documentation and mapping
  • Configuration and change management
  • Automated network troubleshooting

4. Nmap

Nmap, short for “Network Mapper,” is an open-source tool used for network discovery and security auditing. While primarily known for its network scanning capabilities, Nmap also provides configuration auditing features through its Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) and various scripts.


  • Free and open source with a large user community
  • Versatile tool for network discovery, scanning, and auditing
  • Extensive library of NSE scripts for various audit and assessment tasks

Main Use Cases

  • Network discovery and mapping
  • Security auditing and vulnerability assessment
  • Configuration and compliance auditing using NSE scripts

5. Intruder

Intruder is a cloud-based vulnerability scanning and management platform that helps organizations identify and remediate security risks in their network infrastructure. Although Intruder is not a dedicated network audit tool, it provides valuable insights into potential vulnerabilities and security gaps within network configurations.


  • User-friendly interface and easy setup
  • Continuous scanning for vulnerabilities and security misconfigurations
  • Integration with popular cloud platforms and third-party tools

Main Use Cases

  • Network security auditing and vulnerability scanning
  • Risk assessment and prioritization
  • Automated vulnerability detection and remediation

6. Cisco Network Assurance Engine (NAE)

Cisco NAE is a network assurance solution that provides continuous verification of the network’s configuration, performance, and security. It enables proactive detection of network issues and helps ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices.


  • In-depth network analysis and verification
  • Seamless integration with Cisco products
  • Proactive detection of network anomalies

Main Use Cases

  • Network configuration assurance
  • Security and compliance validation
  • Proactive issue detection and resolution

7. Paessler PRTG Network Monitor

©2023 Paessler AG

Paessler PRTG Network Monitor is an all-in-one network monitoring solution that includes configuration management and auditing features. With its customizable monitoring and alerting capabilities, PRTG helps organizations maintain network availability and performance.


  • Wide range of monitoring sensors and features
  • Flexible alerting and notification options
  • Straightforward setup and configuration

Main Use Cases

  • Network performance monitoring
  • Configuration backup and restoration
  • Compliance and change management


Selecting the right network audit and assessment tool is crucial for maintaining network efficiency, security, and compliance. By understanding the importance of network audits, following basic auditing steps, and knowing how to compare different tools, you can choose the best solution for your organization’s needs. The seven tools discussed in this post are widely used in the market, each offering unique features and benefits that cater to various network environments and requirements.

This post was written by Tansu Pancar. Tansu is a project management professional with experience in telecommunication and information technology projects.

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