Best Network Configuration Management Tools

The growing size, complexity, and scope of networks pose serious challenges to effective management and monitoring of enterprise networks. As a result, network managers are constantly worried about security, fraud, and inconsistencies in the network from proliferation of network channels. In this age of digital economy, companies have to cater to increasing complexities, poor network…

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What Is Packet Loss and How to Fix It

In 2019, around 25% of companies worldwide reported average hourly downtime costs them between $301,000 and $400,000. In most cases, downtime is the result of simple issues escalating into significant setbacks. Packet loss is one such initial sign of the network’s poor health. It’s a clear indication the organization’s IT assets need to be evaluated…

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A Comprehensive Guide on Network Topology, Types, and Tools

Networking plays a crucial role in every organization’s daily activities. It helps exchange sensitive data between nodes (computer systems and network devices) over a shared medium. However, building a network and arrangement of networking devices is challenging. Organizations need to plan out specific models, follow crucial guidelines, and create physical and logical layouts of a…

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Understanding What Is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

In modern hyper-connected IT environments, admins must ensure all the devices are configured correctly and connected in a network. Manually assigning IP addresses to every device is prone to errors. This is where Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol or DHCP configuration comes into play. DHCP is a network management protocol where a server dynamically assigns IP…

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Understanding What Bandwidth Monitoring Is and How to Measure Bandwidth

Today, every organization depends heavily on its IT team to ensure unhindered connectivity and productivity. The team is responsible for managing different users, devices, and servers and maintaining high availability for mission-critical applications. Bandwidth monitoring and management play a crucial role in meeting these goals. What Is Bandwidth Monitoring? The bandwidth of a network can…

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Throughput vs. Bandwidth—Understanding the Differences

When it comes to network management and analysis, throughput and bandwidth are often confused by beginners. Both tell us about how a network is performing. Having a thorough understanding of both throughput and bandwidth is vital as they help identify the reasons for network slowdowns. Let’s understand what these terms mean and how they differ….

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Understanding What Is a Wi-Fi Analyzer

Since infrastructure complexity is growing rapidly, it’s challenging for companies to ensure the reliability and availability of their network. A network requires proper maintenance to ensure maximum bandwidth. When it comes to a Wi-Fi connection, facing disturbances in signal is common. Some days the signal strength can be excellent, while other days, it may be…

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Best Network Discovery Tools and Software

With the growing complexity of networks to support modern infrastructure requirements, end-to-end mapping becomes tricky and essential at the same time. The widely used hybrid network topology comprises sophisticated elements, including wired devices, wireless connections, cloud and on-premises servers, virtual networks, and other utilities. Many organizations poorly maintain and document their network inventory, leading to…

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Top 5 Network Troubleshooting Tools

You may have come across situations when you’re working on crucial tasks with stringent deadlines and all of a sudden, a network issue arises. In such a scenario, you either try to fix the issue by yourself making some device adjustments or seek help from the IT team. An IT administrator would usually perform numerous…

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