What Is SQL Injection Attack?

Learn about SQL injection attack concepts, types, alerts, and detection and prevention mechanisms. SQL Injection Definition How Does SQL Injection Work? What Is an Example of SQL Injection? What Are the Different Types of SQL Injection Attacks? How to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks How to Stop a SQL Injection What Is SQL Injection Attack? SQL…

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What Is Business Email Compromise?

What you need to know about business email compromise attacks, implications, prevention, and defense mechanisms. BEC Attack Definition Business email compromise (BEC) is a sophisticated cybercrime. Attackers leverage compromised email accounts to pose as legitimate entities and lure email recipients into either sharing sensitive data and information such as credit card details, trade secrets, and…

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Essential SolarWinds Tools for Small Businesses

Though large enterprises manage their IT infrastructure and business services with the help of experts or outsourcing companies, small businesses are under tremendous pressure to deliver top-quality services and network performance. To keep up with the challenging and ever-changing IT landscape, small businesses must utilize a set of advanced tools to help streamline various business…

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How to Achieve End-to-End Observability With APM tools

With the rapid adoption of cloud and microservices architecture, it’s becoming challenging for under-resourced IT staff to monitor individual systems’ performance and behavior. Network admins typically rely on monitoring for better visibility into the application or system performance. However, visibility alone isn’t enough today; businesses need advanced observability to gain a better contextual understanding of…

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Data Storage Architecture: Top Eight Tools Comparison

Data storage has drastically changed over time. Storing your organization’s data used to be a simple process, but now data storage architecture can be complex and vast in size. This makes maintaining your data storage systems and data storage software potentially very complicated. What’s more, data can be physically and logically stored in unique ways…

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What Is IT Ticketing Software?

If a customer has an issue with a service or product they bought online, their first move will probably be to try and submit a support request. Their message will come up as a ticket on the dashboard of a technician, who will then do their best to help solve the issue. In a nutshell,…

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How Does Help Desk Software Work?

Help desk software is a must for any sizable organization dealing with both employee and customer requests. Without this tool, it can be hard to centralize support requests, and some of them are likely to fall through the cracks. You may find yourself asking, “How does help desk software work?” Understanding the answer to this…

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What Is IT Asset Discovery?

As your business grows, so will the size of your team and the number of IT assets that they use. Today’s workplace requires a variety of devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. However, IT asset discovery can be a time-consuming endeavor. By “discovery”, we mean the process of cataloging all of the IT assets…

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The Future of Automation in ITSM

As an employer, chances are you’ll have invested time, effort, and money into recruiting a talented Information Technology (IT) department. The last thing you probably want is to waste your world-class team on tedious busy work. Thankfully, IT Service Management (ITSM) automation promises to scrub those mundane tasks from your IT staff’s to-do list. With…

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5 Tips for Running a User-Friendly IT Service Desk

One of the biggest challenges of running an IT service desk is ensuring it remains user-friendly. Dealing with user requests is one of the most important responsibilities of a service desk, and if your employees can’t keep customers happy, it can spell problems for the business. Reaching out with support requests often begins as a…

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